Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lactic Acid and Abdominal Muscles

Lactic Acid and Abdominal Muscles

If you are serious about attaining the best six pack abs of your life, you must first learn about the myths and facts surrounding lactic acid buildup in the muscles. As you must know by now, myths have a way of getting in the way of adopting the right workout and diet program for a toned belly.

Two Myths Busted

In past years, lactic acid was seen as a chemical compound that impairs physical performance among bodybuilders and athletes. It was also said to cause the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) experienced a few days after the strenuous activity is finished. DOMS is characterized by loss of range of motion and strength in the affected area as well as severe muscle tenderness, symptoms of which reach their peak in 48-72 hours.

Although lactic acid buildup is still widely considered as the cause behind the muscles’ burning sensation during exercise, recent research now debunks these myths. Today, lactic acid is generally seen as another source of fuel for working muscles, which is an essential fact in the development of six pack abs. Also, DOMS comes from the microscopic tears, injuries and trauma including inflammation sustained by the muscles during exercise, not from lactic acid buildup.

Importance in Muscle Development

Why is lactic acid buildup of great concern to building an enviable set of six pack abs? You can partially control lactic acid buildup via your six pack abs diet. Keep in mind that what you eat before starting your abs exercises will affect your performance (i.e., how many sets and reps you can do for a certain movement).

If you can keep your lactic buildup to a healthy level, then you are more likely to perform more sets and reps. You will then be able to achieve six pack abs faster. By the way, when we say healthy level of lactic acid buildup, a balance is achieved such that you can still perform your abs exercises in the desired time, thanks to the extra fuel from the lactic acid, while still feeling a nice burn, so to speak.

Diet Tips to Lessen Lactic Acid Buildup

With that being said, here are the must-have foods in your six pack abs diet, said diet of which is designed to lessen lactic acid buildup:

• Eat magnesium-rich foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds and tofu. Lactic acid increases the feeling of exhaustion but magnesium counteracts its buildup, thus, improving your performance.
• Eat more cold water fishes like mackerel and salmon, both of which are rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs). These fatty acids help in improving the body’s usage of glucose that, in turn, aids in decreasing lactic acid buildup. Also, EFAs lessen muscle inflammation, thus, helping in faster muscle recovery after your workout.
• Eat foods rich in B vitamins like bananas, potatoes and avocadoes, which aid in glucose use as well as speed up recovery from physical stress and muscular tears.
And of course, you must drink plenty of water for great six pack abs.

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