Saturday, April 7, 2012

Contrast Saturated And Unsaturated Fats

Contrast Saturated And Unsaturated Fats

In the desire to gain six pack abs, many men and women will try to completely eliminate all kinds of fat from their diet. The rationale is that since belly fat must be removed, eating food with any amount of fat in it will contradict the purpose. But this is a misconception that you must free yourself from now!

Fats Are Essential Nutrients, Too

Before we discuss the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat in relation to a six pack abs diet, we must first discuss the importance of fats in any healthy diet. Fats are actually one of three macronutrients – the other two being carbohydrates and proteins – that the body requires for its healthy functioning. These are essential for the development of six pack abs.

These chemical compounds mainly provide for energy so that proteins and carbohydrates can do their work in the body. Fats can also be stored for future use while also helping in the formation of cellular material, the transportation of certain vitamins and the supply of essential fatty acids.

But not all fats are created equal in terms of good health in general and six pack abs in particular. We have to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats and, in the process, know which type of fat is a must-have in a six pack abs diet. Keep in mind that all fats are chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The main difference between unsaturated and saturated fats lies in the number of atoms for each element.

Saturated Fats Are Bad Fats

Saturated fats are so-called because these have a saturated number of hydrogen atoms in relation to their carbon atoms. In other words, these so-called bad fats have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms linked to every carbon atom with the latter being attached to each other only via single molecular bonds. Such a molecular structure means that saturated fats raise LDL cholesterol levels. This means that your risks for cardiovascular diseases also increase, LDL being bad cholesterol in the body.

Bad fats are found in processed foods like chips and pastries as well as in animal products like beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry fat, cream, butter, cheese, milk and other whole dairy products. Plant products can also contain unsaturated fats including palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil. Obviously, saturated fats are not good for six pack abs.

Unsaturated Fats Are Good Fats

In contrast, unsaturated fats are good for the body and for the belly. In these kinds of fatty acids, a missing pair of hydrogen atoms creates a double bond between two carbon atoms. Unsaturated fats are found in foods like olives, avocados, nuts, sesame, safflower and sunflower seeds. These fatty acids have been found to lower LDL cholesterol levels and raise HDL cholesterol levels. In other words, eat foods rich in unsaturated fats and you are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
So, if you are gunning for six pack abs, then it is safe to go for unsaturated fats!

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