Saturday, April 7, 2012

How To Remove Visceral Fat And Build Six Pack Abs

How To Remove Visceral Fat And Build Six Pack Abs

The first step to building six pack abs is to rid yourself of your abdominal fat. Not only will it hide any kind of development of your abdominal muscles, it can actually be very dangerous to your health as well.

While it is normal and to a degree, healthy to have a certain (and small) percentage of body fat, where that fat is located makes a great deal of difference. Visceral, or abdominal, fat, is far more dangerous than fat deposits located anywhere else in the human body.

Although the reasons for this are complex and are beyond the scope of this article, suffice it to say that abdominal fat has been linked in too many studies to mention that it is an important contributing factor to the development of heart disease, stroke and a variety of other conditions of the cardiovascular system.

Abdominal fat has also been linked time and again to diabetes, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer – and of course, no one will ever see those six pack abs you’ve built when they’re covered by fat!

Because of the health risk associated with carrying fat around the midsection as well as the obvious aesthetic problem it creates, any six pack ab diet needs to emphasize getting rid of this fat as well as promoting better overall health.

Neither your health nor your abs are going to improve until you make healthy changes to your lifestyle, especially to your diet.

The first rule is to steer clear of any foods which are high in salt, sugar and fat. Refined starches and sugars are to be avoided completely, if at all possible (especially white bread, pasta and rice and white sugar).

While whole grains are fine, refined flours and sugars provide calories without imparting any nutritional value, fiber, or anything else you need when you’re trying to build six pack abs, for that matter.

As far as beverages are concerned, stay away from soda due to its high sugar content. Artificially sweetened fruit juices and other similarly sugar-laden beverages are also to be avoided.
Drink water, first and foremost. Other beverages are fine in moderation (other than soda and other unhealthy drinks), but make the majority of your fluid intake water. Not only is water calorie-free, but it also helps keep you hydrated and flushes toxins out of the body.

Choose lean proteins; fatty cuts of meat should not be part of anyone’s six pack abs diet. Lean meats, beans and other low-fat protein sources should make up the lion’s share of your protein intake.
If your goal is to develop six pack abs, supplement your diet with a regular regimen of exercise. Keep in mind that muscle helps you burn fat, so include some weight training into your routine.

As you build muscle and stick to your diet, you’ll find that you’ll both build your abdominal muscles more quickly and that you’ll start to notice them more quickly – so will everyone else.

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